Being A Global Citizen

In the TedTalk “What Does it Mean to Be a Global Citizen”, Hugh Evans illustrates the concept of individuals actively working for change rather than merely preaching change. Evans lead through an example in the concert he and his organization held in New York City by having individuals demonstrate their activism to attend. Moreover, Evans reflects the need for teamwork to create systemic change –long-lasting change. Evans personal story and to make a change in the Philippines showed the audience that hard work and mobilization go a long way; however, the demolition of his progress -only a few years down the road- gives depth to his argument for teamwork and the unity between global citizens across the world to influence not only one government but to affect all states. Although I like the fact that Hugh included his misfortune of not being able to create a long term change, I believe he hurt his argument by stating that policies change once politicians change. The notion that changed called by the people will change simply because of a change of politicians contradicts his efforts to call on political leaders for change. Evans’ video was very inspirational and motivating, also very relatable, since my career goal is to be a lawyer and help create these positive changes.  

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